Patrick Dennis - Auntie Mame

Patrick Dennis

Auntie Mame (An Irreverent Escapade)

Broadway Books

Originally published in 1955


I just had a lot of fun re-reading this truly irreverent novel!


When ten-year old Patrick is orphaned, he is sent to live with his only living relative, Auntie Mame in New York. Flamboyant, impossibly wealthy and able to “charm the birds off the trees”, Auntie Mame chain smokes, drinks like a fish and is quite possibly the funniest aunt that I have read about. She dives headlong into new experiences, changing manners, diction and wardrobe, from an Irishwoman in tweeds to a southern belle, to suit the situation, and always at the center of attention. But she does take care of the boy, and starts off with his vocabulary, giving him a pad and pencil so that he can write down words he hears but doesn’t understand. Soon thereafter, he has words like daiquiri, narcissistic, Biarritz, psychoneurotic, and relativity on his list.

Thoroughly entertaining and not nearly as ‘fluffy’ as it may sound.


The first chapter can be read on the publisher’s website: